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sexta-feira, 7 de julho de 2017

Making the Goetia Circle (classic style with greek names)

Goetia Circle

Making the Goetia Circle
(classic style with greek names)

Times ago these images were posted at Aaron Leitch's Solomonic group and may be of interest to people, so I will comment a bit more about the process.

Making your magic tools is always an interesting work not only because of the magic area you chose.
Each area has many to study and learn.

In no way, magic is just learning phrases and words by mind, but you need to understand what is the purpose, why it is done, and for what it is needed.

Citing a Rufus Opus comment, when you are doing the Work, this means you have to work too!

And all work you do will add power to your magic works.

Be sure all spirits, angels, daemons, etc. will know if you did your part too.
So always is good to remember: the magician must do his/her part too and not act like a parrot.

Even if you are not skilled in such craft works, whatever you do, with sincere intent, at your best capabilities will add a lot of power to any magic you do.

We too often comment on how much is essential to be respectful with the spirits, and the same way such spirits have to be respectful with you!

So, doing your homework is the first part of any magic work.

I commented on the skills we have or not.
Be sure I have really bad hands for craft works.
Even so, some I find better to do by myself as I can.

I'm not the only one with bad hand skills, nor with the proper needed capabilities for some activities, like metal works and jewelry some people have.
For such cases, it's Ok to pay someone to make that for you. Here, is your sincere work to get the needed money and to go after the best one you can pay to make that tools for you.

Serious sincere work adds respect and power to what you do. Even if you need to pay with the most heartfelt but humble resource for that. In no way do I tell you to stop feeding yourself or your family for that. Just do what you really can at best, but no masochism is needed!

Well, watching my results when I do some hand work may be a kind of masochism too... Ok, I have self-criticism... I'm kidding. In practice is a work of love.

Well, I know my craft workings are not so nice, nor so perfect. But be sure I used the most I can, tried the most I can, and most of the time, I worked a lot more than other people needed to get something.
Time is power too.
That was the same when I made my Triangle of Art. That cost a lot of time just for the basics.

Going to work

So here my working to make my Goetia circle and wish to inspire more people to do the hard way needed to get the deserved results.

First I researched the names in the circle, their meanings, related texts, psalms, etc. There are some differences so I had to study more and found my own decision.

I researched the books and articles from other magicians and advanced forums like the StudioArcanis, which currently, we found to be the best in the area.

This was many years ago, took some six months and I discovered many authors unknown in my country, find other works and articles on so many blogs too. Very interesting when you ask to your spiritual guides to help the work and each day find more and more to read, study and learn from others' experiences.

I collected a lot of material that time studying these and those ideas plus observing who was the ones behind them and how they were working with them. This is important to observe, as some people will find it better to make their practices this or that way so one needs to think for himself for the decisions to do. In no way such are final decisions, as we always can learn and change something as our work goes on.

This included going after some original grimoires sources to observe what they did and compare them with modern studies too.

Ms Sloane 2731 - Clavicula Solomonis Goetia Circle
Ms. Sloane 2731 - Clavicula Solomonis Goetia Circle
Source: BritishLibrary Manuscript collection

Finally, observing my own idea to go most at the original sources, I found better to my purposes the same J. Peterson published at Esotericarchives - The Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton).

I love scholar's work such as this site, one of the first and still the best IMHO. I always say to people I'm more about practical work. I have to study all that for sure, just I have not all the patience they have to compile all that to make their work. It's a seriously needed task and they deserve my full respect.

At that time I was already doing some basic Goetia works, with very interesting and positive results.
To cite, the method used was the one most people know as the "Red Triangle" by Devi Spring and based on the original Aghor Pir's work. It sure works and is really very interesting. It uses the daemolanators Enn's chants. Just in my point of view, it's not the same as a formal ritual and it does not have all the resources for protection for initial contacts with unknown daemons for you, nor about intrusive spirits as that ones appear sometimes.

So I wanted more in the same way as I always did in all my previous works like the spiritual areas and that resulted in experiences that really few in the world have done.
Anyone who is after the modern works like Aaron Leitch, Rufus Opus, Brother Moloch, and others will have lots of excellent material to study from their formal practices, not just theory. I say, solid teachings from people who paid the price for their learnings and know very well what they are talking about.
Nobody learns alone, nature is already a great teacher, but this way can take a long time. So you can learn from people who went serious into their work, not just for self-promoting, listen, read, and study all you can so this will add to your personal findings and discoveries.

Where are the materials?

Since I found the time to make a formal circle, at the same time I was researching the proper words and symbols, I went after the most simple part: The simple fabric cotton I found to be better to use.
Guess what? I live in a city with more than 1.5 million people. For many months no store had brute cotton fabric to sell!
Curious, uhm? That happens when the spirits put you under the test too. If you want, you may work for it. So I went to many stores, at all places. Until someday I found it again. Just for curious, at the same time, all other stores had the material I needed too.
This is not a punishment in no way as many religions use to claim and this way makes people feel guilty even because they have sex with their wife or husband.
No way! Just happens!
But when such happens you may know to use the such event for your own power. So as soon I perceived something was blocking me, I went to each try reciting my prayers, talking with the spirits I found better to help about, and making clear my intent.
All this added power to the final result. So remember: all your effort will be part of the final deserved result.

Finding proper fabric inks was not so difficult, but I had to learn and research a bit more about how to use them too.


In the previous house, I had a lesser room, I needed to adjust the circle size, so I made it small, just 1.4m (4.5ft).

The day I finally started the handwork part, it had first a formal prayer evoking God and all spiritual guidance for it.

For all following days, as part of the work, during the painting process, I always started with lighting a candle and praying for God, asking for the blessing for the work being done.
This took an entire month. I told them I'm very bad at hand work, so it was slow, and I have my own pain in back troubles to deal with too. Most people will do it in 1-2 weeks.

The fabric was washed and all the paints I used were consecrated.
 The first was to have an idea about where and how to place the symbols. So I printed that to observe over the fabric and made initials notes.

My Goetia Circle - Checking symbols positions

Ok, learned how to fix the fabric in the ground and to use a string to make the circle using a proper fabric pen to draw the circle:

My Goetia Circle - Starting the draw

The next was near easy, I had to choose a character's size and draw by hand. Here just free hand, so the result was some tremble, but Ok.

My Goetia Circle - Writing words

Following until complete it:

My Goetia Circle - Initial draft ready to paint

Then I fixed it on the wood wall to make it easier to paint. You will note I had some mistakes and needed to use white paint to correct them.

My Goetia Circle - Painting process

And the final result:

My Goetia Circle - Finished

When it was finished, I kept it for some days more on the wall, watching for some other paint errors I was not aware of, and always asking for the blessings of God for the work done. And I liked just to be looking at it and thinking.

As I commented at the start, not that kind of so very nice handcraft, but a work of mine and this is also a true offering to present to the spirits I'm working with.

After that, I did the consecration of the circle. There are the names of God, angels, etc, so each one has a proper psalm and meaning to recite. Used oil over it for a proper blessing ritual and only then it was used the first time.

My Goetia Circle and Triangle of Art

The circle is not the 9ft formal size but is Ok. The works done with it helped me to be at a new house with the needed space, so when I can I will do a new 9ft size.

Yes, I used some colors on my own. Not just classic and not Mathers scheme.
It's a personal circle, so I did some choices for my own purposes. Uhm?

Work done and be sure, a serious stronger difference in the rituals and the ways I got results and replies from all spirits I have been working with.

Sources I used to make this version:
Ms. Sloane 2731 – Clavicula Solomonis – British Library Manuscript collection
Ms. Sloane 3648 – Clavicle of Solomon – British Library Manuscript collection
The Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton) – Joseph Peterson at Esotericarchives.com
Modern Goetic Grimoire – Rufus Opus

See also:
Goetia Triangle of Art And The Time To Do The Work


Goetia Circles for Sale:

The Goetia Circle is a full high-res draw I made as a result of my own work with the Goetia for years.
Just click the image to go direct to the product page.

Classic Goetia Circle. Full redraw.

Goetia Circle - Mathers and Crowley version. Full redraw and corrected


See also:  

Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text

Readings and Magic Works - English text


quinta-feira, 6 de julho de 2017

Consultas de Tarot são sérias por favor respeite meu trabalho

"Ei querida, eu confirmei outro contrato de $ milhões.
Você conseguiu aquele trabalho de magia grátis?
Uhmm... onde você está, querida?
Imagem: Cutting light
Artista by Erik Johansson - Sweden

Pessoal, por favor ao contatar alguém sejam sérios e lembrem que outas pessoas também estão trabalhando, portanto precisamos as vezes fazer comentários muito sérios sobre o que fazemos. 

O que é tão difícil para as pessoas conseguirem? Eu digo, pessoas que esperamos ter um cérebro.

Não, não, não! Por favor, não entre em contato comigo pedindo consultas gratuitas. Este é o meu trabalho! Se você realmente precisa e não tem condições, use o Google para encontrar muitos sites para isso que vão ajudar pessoas em necessidade.

Eu não sou o único com esses problemas. Entenda, nós também somos humanos, com uma vida pessoal para manter. Entende isso?

Eu sou uma pessoa normal como qualquer um, não um super-fantástico como alguns se promovem. Pegue isto. Certifique-se de que também tive momentos de necessidade como qualquer pessoa, então eu entendo isso, mas usei essas opções também e sobrevivi.

Já faço muitos trabalhos de caridade que eu escolho e tenho a grande oportunidade de compartilhar a sério com amigos mais próximos também.

Lista de amigos nas redes sociais: Não adiciono pessoas com perfis quase vazios nem se a sua lista de amigos está privada e, portanto, não tenho ideia de onde você veio.

Não estou disponível para bater papo no messenger, vídeo, Whatsapp ou qualquer outra coisa.

Entenda, se você é uma pessoa desconhecida para mim, ,conversar sobre magia, ocultismo, seus problemas e necessidades trata-se portanto de serviço profissional da minha parte. Ou seja, é uma consulta formal. 

As pessoas que me conhecem sabem que, mesmo que apareça online no Facebook, isso não significa que tenho tempo para conversar com as pessoas. Não estou apenas assistindo a belas imagens de filhotes, na maioria das vezes estou em algum debate em grupo. Então realmente pouco tempo com quem eu nunca falei sem pelo menos uma apresentação decente. Com certeza gosto de conversar com pessoas que já conheço daqui ou dos fóruns e temos contato prévio.

Então, por favor, em vez de um simples "Olá" esperando uma resposta rápida, adicione uma frase dizendo claramente o que você deseja perguntar de uma vez. Seja explícito e isso vai economizar tempo meu e seu. Se você apenas disser "pode ​​falar agora?" na maioria das vezes você não receberá uma resposta exceto o link do meus site para Consultas Formais. 

Já expliquei no blog que posto muito material sobre magia nos fóruns, então se você quiser instruções sobre magia, vá lá ou pense seriamente em obter consultoria pessoal.

Se você pensa que é famoso mas sugere pagar com "recomendações", vá comprar uma casa (escolhida por mim) com essas tais "indicações e recomendações" de merda e me dê uma casa, carro ou muitos clientes que paguem corretamente provando que suas referências são realmente boas. Na prática, isso é só ser muito rude e tentando uma consulta grátis. Então para esses espertalhões querendo consulta de graça deveriam pensar se os seus problemas são profundos, realmente sérios e precisam de um trabalho sério. Mas de forma alguma será de graça.

Este é o meu trabalho e não estou fazendo um trabalho barato para as pessoas, preciso de meu tempo e foco.

Se você acha que tem um caso decente, mostre que é sério e use a página de contato do meu blog.

E se você "apenas" quer "saber" se posso ajudar com meus serviços para você, na maioria das vezes posso de alguma forma. Mas, novamente, você está apenas tentando uma consulta grátis. Então, por favor, acesse a página de consultas formais.

Certamente não vou amaldiçoar ninguém por causa disso, exceto as pessoas que são muito rudes. E eu tenho meus compromissos formais, então se eu responder qualquer coisa sobre o assunto, assegure-se de que falarei 100% verdade mas não espere serviços formais maiores de graça.

Eu ajudo quem busca com sinceridade. 



domingo, 25 de junho de 2017

Receiving Oracle Skills by Initiation.

Be sure giving the Key is not a physical act only.
Photo: Unknown author.

Receiving Oracle Skills by Initiation.


How become instantly good with oracles due some occult supernatural ways. 

Learning a more complex oracle, like the Tarot, Runes, I-Ching, etc. is something that demand study, practice, research in other related areas according with the oracle being studies, etc.

Just to make simple comment, I'm using more the Tarot as an example. 
The first most people learn is a general meaning to each card, rune and some basic spreads to place the cards and have some kind of reply. Most of people don't do much more and only expect to be using their own natural intuition for that.
Even if the person have a gift of birth like vidence, this does not add so much. All they have are ideas or visions and will deal accordingly their life experience only to understand what they see.
So the next needed is to start a more former study about each card, not only the basic meanings, but some of the idea each card express and how it is related to the others. Is here people start to understand more about the real way the oracle works. This will add a lot to understand the ideas and how intuition may help too, and to get more complex understanding and relations amog

The following, is learning about the inner symbols of the cards, planets, astrological signs, numbers, elemental correspondences and so on.
This is just about technical aspects.
The other to develop is the own intuition capabilities, learn more about other areas to understand more about people, society, etc.
So this is a wide area to study for sure.

There's the possibility to increase that throught initiations. To access other levels and discover more areas and this way improve the reading capability.
For sure this is not something like "instant learning" nor "instant vidence" capabilities. 

Many see initiation just as a rite to get a diploma, many may think this is an instant miracle way for new super-powers.

Initiation at basic levels, is just to become in contact with some kind of knowledge.
This is the human level.

But at the higher spiritual levels, the initiation is a process to receive a kind of key.

You must see the idea of "key" just as something that may connect you to something.

Like opening a door to you.
BUT, see, the door just is opened, you still need to enter by your legs and learn what is behind that point.

Get this? Is not an instant capability.

You will just receive the key, or a connection to a resource at the other realms.
If you was working to prepare for it, for sure you will see results faster, but again, this is why you already have done all the previous needed work.

So you will enter there, entire new realms and possibilities and see by yourself to learn.
Some will have a lot to learn, others will be ready for that.
Anyways, they was in the merit to receive it despite how much practice.
Yes, even without so much practice some people may have the needed merit, just need more hard practice that often happens very fast.

I may give to someone an intiation to an oracle or something else, but still there are the need to work with it, practice and study. Before and after.

This is why some people may receive such initiation and have a jump on their skills: they was just working and was ready to receive a better resource.

And no, no, no, do not even think to ask for that. This is not something to buy too.
Yes, too often some people try and they received only what they deserved... Sorry...
You can buy a diploma, but never the merit or real skills.

I may give such initiations by my own to the ones who deserved the merit. Never to the ones who asked. They was just fooled by themselves.
I give such initiations sometimes, when the disciple/student is really ready.
Some have tryed to be "opportunists" and received just a fake key pointing into their own darkness. Betrayers! They even received a "mystic name" from me. To these ones,, as they are vampires out of light, such names was just what they never had done and what they have to discover to deserve what they asked for. A bill for life at most.
I'm looking at both sides, Uhm?

Remember the phrase: "When te disciple is ready the master comes"?
Is this.
You can't ask for it.
It may happens to you someday if you keep walking and do your own homework.

And this can happens in two basic ways:
1) Meeting someone who will give the keys and will be an incredible experience.
2) Astral initiation. Uhm something like at someday or night, you receive a vision, or the sky opens up and you see a big flame or spirit/angel and they will give it to you.
Yes, it really happens this way, I had some and will be only yours as you keep the work.

Some formal Orders do a nice work to give the keys to the ready ones . But even there you must do the work.
So, study, practice, take notes, improve yourself. Sometime when you are ready that will happens.

